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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. When Omar scores you just know its your day! Great result and good performance. Didnt do too much different than we have done all season IMO. Just pressed and worked that little bit harder, passed that little bit sharper and most importantly took our chances (well, some of them) when we were on top. Fine margins. Hopefully now the negativity will subside and we can make a push back towards the top starting with Hearts next week. Oh and to top it all we won live on telly!
  2. This. When we play to his strengths it allows the whole team to move up the park and allow Murphy Ojamaa and Humphrey possession where they can actually hurt teams.
  3. Good solid first half and most importantly converting some of our chances. Murphy impressive again today. Credit where its due. He has really pulled his socks up the past few weeks. Really hope Henrik can break his duck.
  4. Lol! Cant run, cant jump, all he does is score goals! F***n useless! Lets all do the Higdon!
  5. Agreed. If he can consistently produce the form of the last 2 games into the new year and beyond he will get the move he needs AND maybe force himself into the Scotland squad!
  6. Decent performance tonight. Thought we should probably have won. Definitely should not have lost. Bad luck and poor finishing cost us yet again. Thought we had a good shout for a pen as well 2nd half when Murphy was fouled on the byline. Would have been a free kick outside the box. Think Im gonna stop goin to games. I appear to be a jinx!
  7. Ojamaa. His workrate and desire chasing lost causes and putting defenders under pressure is an example to the entire team. Add to that he was desperately unlucky not to break his duck tonight with 2/3 good efforts. Cant believe anyone cant see his benefit to the team. Should never have been subbed. Was the one player that looked like scoring.
  8. The thread was never about Jamie Murphy's qualities or abilities as a player. It was an unofficial poll on whether a cross section of Motherwell fans thought he was 1. our best player and 2. Ready for a Scotland call up. It was a question raised on another forum by someone who claimed to know lots of Well fans who thought the answer to both questions were yes. Surely not unreasonable to use this forum to establish if he was right? I happen to think Jamie Murphy is a good player. Inconsistent but with undoubted ability. I also think he can go on to bigger and better things but he needs a move for that to happen. I sincerely hope he gets the chance and grabs it with both hands.
  9. If you think that was harsh I wouldnt read any Higdon/McCall threads! Thread wasnt intended to be critical. Jamie is one of our better players and his scoring stats are good. But the original point put to me elsewhere was that he IS our best player and he IS ready gor Scotland now. I dont think he is either and Jamie would probably agree.
  10. Thanks for the responses guys. Almost 100% in agreement with my initial thoughts which were guaged purely on the vibe around Fir Park. I will feedback my findings to the TAMB in due course
  11. Right troops. Looking for some help settling a debate on the TAMB. 1. Is Jamie our best player YES/NO? 2. On current form should Jamie be in the Scotland Squad. YES/NO? I like Jamie as a player and had great hopes for him, but he hasnt developed as I hoped and I feel he needs a move if he is ever going to fulfil his potential. So, right now, my answer is NO to both questions. I thought most of us were of similar opinion, however I am informed there are many Well fans particularly from Wishaw and surrounding areas, who think differently. Thoughts?
  12. Had no idea that they had moved the 4th round to December. Ridiculous decision IMO. With all the moving of k/o times etc this is a step too far. Always loved having the cup the first week in Jan. Didnt matter how bad your season was going it was something exciting to start the new year with and usually resulted in a bumper crowd. Same with the draw. Appreciate we now have cup games spread over a whole weekend which makes the 5.30pm on the Sat night difficilt but why have it Monday morning? It should be live after the last game is played (usually moved for tv anyway) or at least put it on live on Rrporting Scotland in the evening. We need to sell our game not hide it away. As for the draw itself, would be nice to be away to lower league opposition to experience some of the romance of the cup missed out on Inverurie a few years ago because of the postponement so something like that would do me fine.
  13. Looks like the glass half full boys are in the ascendency tonight! Well done to the manager and the team. Maybe we can all calm down now and get back to supporting the team.
  14. Just alter the Stevie Cowan song..... He's big, he's round, He's worth a million pounds, He's Michael Higdon, He's Michael Higdon.
  15. Surprised at the level of negativity after that one. Thought it was a solid enough performance and we passed the ball as well as I have seen for a while. Composure in the last third as usual left a lot to be desired but Hearts are pretty solid at the back so not surprising. Thought Murphy started pretty well but faded as the game went on and he ran out of ideas. Humphrey is as usual a connundrum. Thought we deserved a point and but for a poor refereeing decision we may have got one. Disappointing to have lost the game but didnt think we were sh**e.
  16. By a country mile. Seen us win the Cup. Thats as close as I will ever get to seeing us win the league. Gutted doesnt come close.
  17. Depends when the game was played. You cant ignore the fact that some games are just less attractive than others for a whole host of reasons. If you want to put more bums on seats you need to look at pricing. Theatres give reduced rates and group booking offers for midweek/matinee shows. Holiday companys drop their prices outwith school holidays. The Friday night experiment appeared to be successful. Whether it was financially for the club, I dont know, but lets try different things. Test the market, see where it takes us.
  18. Dynamic Pricing wont work. Cutting prices might. £20 for a WC Qualifier on Friday night but we are paying more than that for an SPL game and Scotland games are now £32 for a seat that doesnt have a shite view. Maybe not comparing like for like but Scottish football is overpriced for the quality of the product. Increasing the quality is a long term project. Cutting prices and giving fans better value for money could be done overnight. You could look at fixing costs for games on a case by case basis however. St Johnstone at Fir Park on a freezing Tuesday night in Feb clearly gonna draw less than say Hibs or Aberdeen at 3pm on a Saturday. Cut the price for the former. Standard prices for the latter?
  19. A new roof and safe standing for the East would seem a sensible lower cost option. Always thought we could have reintroduced safe standing in the old enclosures in front of the POD, although wouldnt generate the same atmosphere due to height of the roof.
  20. The only way could get near affording a new stadium is if someone came in to buy the ground Fir Park stands on. Until that happens I cant see us going anywhere. Wouldnt want to move away from Fir Park but if we could make enough money from the sale and move to the 'Craig and build a Scandanavian style stadium then I think I would feel as if we had retained some of our soul. Cant see it happening any time soon though. Most likely limp along using the Cooper and the South.
  21. Bought OSB yesterday. Think its a decent read for a quid and I quite like the different characters which give the fanzine a bit of identity. Dont think these should be changed at all, although I think some fresh contributors taking on some of the characters would freshen things up a bit and take some of the pressure off MJ. Can only imagine the hard work required to get one of these to print. I think most posts should be Motherwell related but need not be exclusively so. We all love football and there will be some stories which transcend club loyalty such as zombie fc or harry potters scotland circus. Would be good to try and inject some more humour as that will always shift copy but thats down to the contributors to supply material. Anyway, keep up the good work Matt, it is a Motherwell institution. If I can think of anything interesting to write I will give you a shout.
  22. Well, that was a waste of diesel! Shouldve stayed at home in Ayrshire. Never mind, at least I picked up a copy of OSB to read tonight while X Factor is on!
  23. Slight diversion from topic. Not a regular buyer of OSB mostly because I havent been a regular attender at FP for a good few years as my daughters have been growing up. Can anyone enlighten me as to what happened to Wherever You May Be? Did it morph into OSB? Am I right in thinking many of the contributors are one in the same? As for the future of OSB I think most of the posters above have covered it.
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