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Posts posted by FirParkCornerExile

  1. Any streams for the game? I don't see it on the tele over here

    BEIN Tv is showing the game if you get that on you TV . If not download Mobdro if you have an android phone / device all sports channels are on that including BT sports "allegedly". There is an app in the play store but if you go direct to Mobdro site from your android device you'll get the latest version, apparently. You need to change setting on your phone to allow "device from unknown source" , apparently. Doesnt cause your device / devices any harm , apparently.


    The things you hear in the pub, apparently.

  2. We conceded a goal against Hamilton, 2 against Hibs, I never felt we were out of either game.


    EXACTLY if we obsess about not losing the first goal we automatically stifle how we play.... play our game get in about them if we lose the first goal so fuck ..its not golden goal. We played like that in big games for decades and it generally gets us nowhere. Look at that list of semi finals the word lost appears far too often and I bet you a lot of those games we worries about losing the 1st goal.

  3. There were other factors and you could never say 100% but there is no doubt we then went into decline and it had a profound effect on the psyche around the club, not so much losing a semi final, but the way it happened. Anyway whatever the case revenge would be so sweet for us auld yins


    Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

    The biggest mistake we made was assuming we were entitled to better than Willie McLean was achieving we sacked him when we were sitting mid table then employed a fuckin PE teacher as manager.....We also had an unsettled dressing room and there were jealousies over contracts as guys like Peter Marinello has subsequently confirmed

  4. Still trying to forget that semi final in the seventies where we were robbed by that referee whose corrupt performance has only been bettered once and that was by that weasel Dundee Utd were unfortunate to get in their European Cup semi final away to Roma. Since then it's been mostly papped out with our tails between our legs. and that 3 nil cup defeat at Ibrox was probably the worst I've ever felt leaving a game and I've seen some shite in my time. Shat it before we were even out the tunnel. You could tell we were beat from the off. Hopefully Sunday will change all that.Mon the Well

    JPR Gordon was the referee who was subsequently struck off for accepting "gifts" Rangers must have given him a good bung that night.


    There's no mention on Twitter of their increased allocation having anything to do with how our sales are going tbf. They've probably released more South Stand tickets or the couple of sections in the East Stand closest to the original segregation line. Not that I think we'll sell the full 10k either, mind you.

    I seriously think had the opposition had been anyone else we'd have sold 10,000 in a heartbeat. There is just too much history of complete capitulation to Rangers over the last 60 years, even to the shittiest Rangers teams you've ever seen. Just look at the 3-0 defeat at Ibrox in the league cup to a team that had been fucked into the lowest tiers and had assembled a team of donkeys. We were terrified of them that night and it rang out loud n clear from the last gasp clearance in the 1st minute of the game.


    I myself stopped going to Ibrox 25 years ago for that very reason and have never set foot in the place since,


    Remarkably for me I am confident this will be the time I see a Motherwell team dump Rangers out a cup. For decades we've had a succession of Managers who had their excuses prepared before their team set foot on the pitch against Rangers .. worst offenders being Butcher, McCall and McGhee... no surprise our biggest humpings against Rangers happened when they were in charge.


    For all his failings Barraclough wasnt remotely intimidated by Rangers and even if he was he hid it from the players and the fans, he knew their weaknesses and went about them instead of buming them up in the media for a week before the games. Robinson strikes me as exactly the same type he worries more about his own team than get intimidated by the opposition. The only way we will lose this one is if the officials decide to give Rangers a helping hand


    A Beautiful Sunday beckons.....

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  6. Awful Awful game, I have never seen a decent game there. The ball in the air most of the time. Big difference wed have lost that game in last few seasons. Dunne was dreadful, I thought McHugh was very ropy. Surprised the manager didnt make his subs earlier but end of the day dont give a flying fuck... on that surface all that matters is the result and we got it. Well done to everyone.

  7. Take a bow Stephen Robinson . As he says fitness and effort are free and we can be the best at these things . His team reflects his personality . Drive, enthusiasm ,work ethic and desire . Well done the board for seeing that and having the balls to appoint him . What a breath of fresh air . This team win loose or draw are worth the admission money . Looking forward to games again . Was ready to chuck it after last 2-3 season but got the old mojo back again . Well done Mr Robinson

    Likewise I was in the real danger zone that if you let it persist you walk away for good. I missed a number of games last season... first couple id make sure I could keep up with the score , next few I checked for full time results and there was actually one game I didnt know the score until Sunday lunchtime, I was so utterly disinterested.. I just couldnt stomach the utter dross we watched week in week out. I was watching guys who couldnt trap a bag of cement and couldnt pass 10 feet unobstructed. Our defence couldnt keep a pig out a close and all we heard in the media was how skint we were, nothing positive at all to latch onto. I renewed my season ticket for the 40th consecutive year under real duress. Robinsons early signings make me think twice and the fact he was offloading guys Id never let hold the jersey never mind wear it made me think twice.


    My god what a difference 4 months makes.. I know its early days and we will have our downs but at least we are getting some ups. I have been thoroughly entertained in every game so far (St Johnstone excluded cos I was in Rome) and even at Easter Road had we lost it I'd still have felt the team gave their all and was worth my time and money. I have despaired for nearly 40 yrs to have one of the "big Teams" humbled at Fir Park in a rip roaring cup tie... thinking Id never see it again. For the oldies, games like the 3-2 Scottish Cup tie against Celtic at Fir Park in the 70s , Tommy Coyne 1-0 against Celtic again at Fir Park in the cup in the 90s were fading into ancient history and I was always jealous watching teams who had absolute stonking cup games at home. All we've seemed to have is 20 / 30 years of abject Fir Park failure in the cups against the big teams.


    Right now its seems every miserable cloud we've had has been rolled back a bit and its fuckin magic. Thanks Mr Robinson ... and he never ever gets his excuses in early, like nearly ever other bugger in the job.


    ** and this will be the year that will let me go to my grave having seen Motherwell turf Rangers out a Cup

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    He went down with an almighty thud - right behind me - one of those get up "I'm not hurt, hope nobody saw me" moments. Hope he's OK but he will be sore this morning of that I've no doubt ouch!!!

    Likewise I saw him walking out and seemed to be OK , hope so. But hey its one he can talk about for years .. did the self same thing at Tynecastle when I was 18 and it was caught on Scotsport but but luckily for me nae youtube and social media in they days. If the lads got any sense he will just rip the pish outta himself wie it thats what I did...

  9. At least in those days,when you brought in a dud, you could move them on quickly. How long were the likes of Crawford Baptie or Ally Graham on our books. The introduction of the transfer window screwed that option.

    Move on Duds quickly in those days ?? really ....Stevie Woods?? 9 yrs the biggest dud on the planet :prankster: Alex Burns dud first time round resigned and guess what a dud again.

    • Like 2
  10. Great performance second half. Cadden and Kipré were fantastic.


    Officials this year have been horrendous. Didn't think I'd see worse than Madden vs Rangers but Beaton stepped up today: stonewall penalty not given and yet another goal he decided not to bother with. So inconsistent it's unbelievable.

    Not just this year that the 5th definite goal we've not been given in 18 months... those kinda decisions could get you relegated.

  11. Hard to judge with only the mixlr commentary to go by, but it sounded like we had most of the game and couldn't create any decent chances, instead went for hitting as many crosses as we could.


    Newell seemed to do well when he came on, and sounded like the persistent kind of forward we all like. Also good to see rose get the full game, and moult stretched out to 60 minutes. Not sure why we put mchugh at the back, hopefully just a way to get rose into a game.


    Really want Fisher to score soon, it seems that his timing/anticipation isn't up to scratch yet, which is disappointing as I thought he'd be the guy to hit the ground running after his finish to last season.


    Oh, and I feel that Frear and Tait could be our top assist providers this year, and I fancy them both to get a few goals each too.

    I feel a bit mixed ... It was a poor game but I think the midfield is stronger than last year .... Dunne , Kripie , McHugh are better than we had last year , we are trying to pass the ball at pace , we get into good position but oh my fuck the final ball is desperate. The guy Newell looks like he might have something about him. So Im still more hopeful than pessimistic right now.


    I've seen enough of him to say he's got pace, strength, fights for everything, good first touch and holds the ball up well (on the whole).


    It just doesn't always come together at the right time and he tends to have minimal impact on the points that actually turn the games.

    Really you think Bowman's got pace ?? I just don't see that. Don't have any dislike for him, wish him well but pace just aint something I associate with him.

  13. Don't be muggy.



    It's utter shite, but it's so bad it's good! Most of the contestants are truly awful human beings with barely a brain cell between them. It's like Big Brother on a steroid and Viagra cocktail.

    You must have a strong stomach I wouldnt give any reality TV a second glance

  14. I was going to joke that he's more likely to appear on Love Island than in a Motherwell shirt.


    Massive tangent, but it's a surprisingly addictive show, admittedly full of awful human beings.

    Surprisingly addictive show ???? really?? .... I can only imagine you are a teenager you will grow out it and see it for the utter uninteresting shite it is.

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  15. The laughing gas isn't what's going to damage his career it's the picture of him sitting next to her while she shoves white powder up her nose in a public place. There was a previous player of ours fond of the powdery stuff whose career bombed big time after leaving us. Slightly different but will end you're time at said club.

    Aye he could end up at Albion Rovers if hes not careful :ph34r:

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  16. A lot of talk about Moulty leaving and understandably so. For me though I think he should stay regardless of the interest. For me players find their level and for me Moult has found his. Adored by the fans, proven scorer and he wont miss his rent on his current wage. I know he and his agent will maybe aspire to bigger and better but is the grass always greener? Ok so he could land a move in the window, be sucessful. Fair play and well done. But what if it goes like stoke? For me its sign on here, make a more than good wage and legend!!

    In terms of football why should he care if he moves to a level not suited to his abilities as long as he gets a 3 year contract he could be made for life. He could be absolutely rank wherever he goes but if hes nailed a 3 year big contact hes made for life, and why wouldnt he. Look at Stephen Pearson (someone Ive always considered vastly over rated) he went to Celtic and was distinctly average on 9/10 grand a week for 3 year deal. That's him a millionaire even if hes the biggest pile of shite out. Fans adoring Moult and him being suited to us frankly doesn't matter a fuck and frankly as a young man with a family neither it should. If a deal is put to him that secures him for life he should take it. If not he can take ours.

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  17. Brian Kerr's problem was entirely down to attitude. Unless his injury affected his brain in some way that increased his ego, made him a complete non-tryer on the pitch and saying that his ex-teams were mince every time he moved on.


    If he'd applied himself he could have been a class act.

    it was the white lines that were Kerrs problem....

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