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Posts posted by FirParkCornerExile

  1. I'm not sure if a back 3 is Robinson's preferred approach or of he just felt it would allow us to push up in the expectation we would dominate possession. I guess time will tell.


    A little slow out of the blocks, but can't complain about the final result.


    Was great to watch another summer game bathed in sunshine. But enough about the weather here B-)

    If we gotta watch games in rain Id rather it was July rain than January rain, today was very mild and was easy to watch in those conditions

  2. This wins me over completely, sums up Woods' time with us perfectly. He was always our number 2 keeper.. even when he was no1 we were always looking to replace him... And to be honest I can see the exact same thing happening with Fraser.


    Also remembered a classic Woods blunder, probably early in his career... caught a pass back 2yards off the goal line.. possibly from Chris 'theivy' McCart, they scored from the resulting free kick to win 2-1. Can anyone confirm or correct?

    Stevie Woods for me by a country mile. Still remember us desperately needing points playing Aberdeen at Motherwell... point was a huge one for us. Drawing the game in dying minutes SW takes a kick out belts it off Billy Dodds arse and ball ends up in the net and the ultimate in the Scottish Cup against Rangers.... trying to take on Gordon Durie instead of leathering it into row .


    Closely followed by Eliphas Shivute and Bob Malcolm and a player no one ever remembers Peter Leonard 8 ft tall and couldnt jump 10 inches. Played a couple of games as sub in Ally McLeod era .... utterly honking.

  3. I just don't think it needs to be specifically articulated that we are a "stepping stone" club. I mean, I know we are, you know we are, I just don't think that's needs to be put out in there in the way it was.


    That's all.

    Every club in Scotland is a stepping stone , we aint in a unique position. Aberdeen lose their best players to as do the OF


    Petrol money.

    Likewise , Ive been a bit baffled by some folks view of Heneghan .. I've seen nowt from him that's made me thinks hes anything other than sub standard. If other clubs are interested they obviously see something I don't but hes infinitely replaceable so take the money.


    If you could give Vigurs Dougie Arnotts / Moults graft and commitment he'd be a very good player but he's a lazy bastard , wouldn't give him house room. Can still see that Friday night game at Perth, far side on half way line he was poncing about and St Johnstone player won the ball off him. He just stood there and put his head in his hands in frustration, meanwhile St Johnstone player skips up the wing leaving Vigurs greetin into his hands and smacks it into the net...... 2-1 beat.

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  6. I am not too sure if this is correct post, but the Well Society are saying that season tickets are up 15% but with discounts etc, the income is remaining the same, so do not get too excited about the extra cash to put in for players as that will not happen.

    How can the money be the same??? if the sales are up 15% and the season ticket discount did not take this years price lower than last years discounted price its not possible for cash to be the same...... have I missed a price cut

  7. It's one of my pet hates but the lack of ability with a weaker foot does my head in. II can accept players have a stronger foot but the attempts that really top players contort themselves to play the ball when then they could kick with their weaker foot is infuriating

    Totally agree. I am right handed but if I trained EVERY day writing with both right and left hands my writing with my left would become acceptable, not as strong as my writing with my right, but it would be acceptable.

  8. I don't want to be a Jonah but 3 of the players we have signed are coming from relegated clubs. All the 4 signings look good on paper. Lets hope we are getting the best of a bad bunch!!!!! However, I am looking forward to this season as the club seems to be doing all the right things by getting business done early. I Know I know I am glass half empty kind of guy :tumbleweed:

    |If we had got relegated would that have made any club signing Moult to be signing a dud.

  9. Reading between the lines of Robinson's comments on Faddy's departure, I'm thinking it will be a more experienced assistant this time. That surely rules Lasley out.

    Well Barraclough was his assistant at Oldham wouldnt that be a turn up for the books.



    Very much doubt it - expect it to be a re-cladding job only.


    There's a lot more involved in removing the pillars which would require replacement of the steel rafters and the columns to the rear. It would be a big job and would probably also require replacement of the foundations to the rear columns. Of course the rust could be addressed so you have clean pillars blocking the view!

    magic rust free pillars ..lol

  11. And the scoreboard has officially been declared dead, after a lengthy illness. It's last remaining lights have finally gone out.

    Let's take a moment to appreciate the messages, both happy and sad, it has delivered over the years. The challenge of trying to decipher the team line-ups will be sorely missed...

    Wonder if the new roof will still have rusty old pillars supporting it or we getting an uninterrupted view.


    The original League Cup sections were scrapped in the mid-80s, 30-something years ago. For folk like myself, hurtling towards his 40s its a new and innovative concept and because it didn't work then, doesn't necessarily mean that it won't work now. I quite enjoyed it to be honest, just purely because it was something different and while it doesn't strictly eliminate pish-poor pre-season friendlies, it gives us an earlier taste of a competition that given the weighted format, we really should be doing reasonably well in


    The Winter break...the criticism of this one pisses me off ever so slightly. Its clearly fuck all to do with the weather, as no one in their right mind would try to pencil in the worst 3 weeks of the upcoming winter in this country, in the early part of June. I suspect, its to give the parks and the players a breather and not much more than that. Is there an ideal time for it? Probably not, but I'm pretty certain if the Clubs no longer wanted it, they wouldn't have it.


    Changing the number of teams in the league...see my response to the League Cup Sections moan, except its even longer into the past that we have altered it much, yo-yo-ing between 10 and 12 teams in the top flight since the mid 70s, when my da' was still at school. The current set-up suffers from the same teams playing each other too many times, but the alternative is potentially even more tedious than that, with utter dross (worse than the current dross, and possibly even part-time dross at that) playing in meaningless matches, leaving teams such as ourselves nothing to play for season, after season because it would be nigh on impossible to be relegated, or even be involved in a relegation scrap.


    The naming of the league...yip, I'll give you that cringey at best, and plagiarism of a league setup that we have no chance of competing with.


    Play-offs, I'm not sure how much I like them...yes, they give a bit more interest in all divisions, but when Hamilton Accies are beating the Championship team, then it tells me all I need to know about the level of teams down there. I'm also not enamoured with how they actually play-off against each other in the Championship 1st...in my opinion if they are going to do it, it should be a straight one-off shoot-out at a neutral venue and really make a fuss of it.

    Whether something was tried last week of 60 years ago if its a failed concept its a failed concept. We tinker around the edges and do NOTHING radical in our game. We get the same shite served up on a different plate. Look at the new innovative league cup crowds last year they were still pish you can hardly say they caught the fans imagination.It was a half way house idea to answer the calls for summer football.


    We talk endlessly about summer football , why dont we try it and if it doesn't work change it back .. no we fanny about and move a shite tournament to cover a few additional summer weeks. We could overhaul the points system to encourage goals, we could abolish all drawn games and have every game after 90 mins finish on a golden goal or a penalty shoot out. Fuck me if the guy selling Macroon bars and spearmint chewing gum wasnt a thing of the past absolutely fuck all will have changed in my match day experience in 40 years. What are the clubs doing to negate the shocking cost for all visiting fans. When the opposing fans disappear the atmosphere goes with it.


    and for the guy who asked about the naming of the leagues we changed out top division to the Premiership (was always Premier League) and the first division to Championship just to Mirror down south. If you put a real entrepreneur in charge of Scottish Football you'd see a damn site more than pissing around the edges with sticking plaster solutions sold as innovative.


    I don't expect every to agree the things I've suggested but holy christ if you wait for Scottish Football to do anything new you are mad.

  13. The beaks are damned if they do and if they don't. It needed shaken up, and was, and I quite enjoyed it. Won't be everyone's cup of tea however

    No they are damned when the only thing they EVER come up with are things that have been tried and failed. Id never condemn them for new initiatives, the problem is they never have any.


    League cup mini sections ------------------------------ tried and failed

    Winter Break ----------------------------------------------- tried and failed

    Changing the number of teams in the league------ tried and failed (many times)


    Play Offs ............................................................... Tried and scrapped when they were a success rightly brought back.


    can anyone give me one major change that has been done in the Scottish Game thats really new and innovative and had big impact in last 40 years?? Christ we even copy the naming of our leagues. They could pay me £100 grand a year and I could come up with shite like this.

  14. Neil Doncaster has taken the view that the summer group stages of the league cup was a popular move. I liked it and preferred it to pre - season friendlies but got the feeling the response was rather mixed.


    The league finishes a week earlier - I assume this is to fit in with the world cup.

    For me it was the same boring non event pish it was when they had league cup mini sections in the 70s. It will continue to die on its arse cos those running our game have zero imagination.


    This forum was started up and ran by about 6 of us back in the day, and every single one of us works for the club now apart from 5 of us, so it just shows you anything can happen.

    Hope you dont work near the finances "run by 6 of us , now every single one of us works for the club apart from 5 of us "....?????f

  16. Not a pretty game, however, no matter where Louie plays next season he will always be a legend at Fir Park. Get in there!!!!!!!! COYW!



    This. We are in a better position than we were before today's result., but we are not out of the woods yet. It isn't as if we have suddenly become a decent side with one win. I certainly do not relish the prospect of us going to Inverness next Saturday with the prospect of the play offs looming.

    Too true we were utterly dire today , I have yet to see us looking remotely competent for months.. Killie will be a hard hard match beach towels or no for Killie.

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