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Posts posted by FirParkCornerExile


    26bd.png⚽️Derby day on Saturday

    260e.png☎️Call on 01698 333 333

    26d4.png⛔️No pay on the gate

    You were magnificent last time we visited Accies, we hope to see you all again on Saturday

    PRICES - Adults £22 Concessions at £12.

    ⏱Tickets are selling fast and the ticket office is open late on Thursday until 7pm.


    Instead of expecting us to be magnificent how about the Team being anything less than their usual abysmal at NDP

  2. At Firhill recently for example, we had a big support, yes... but as soon as things start to look poor on the field the crowd turns negative / nervous and in my view the players feel that and you get into a vicious circle. I'll compare the recent Dundee and Ross County games as well... ultimately the result was the same, but it felt to me that at least against Dundee the fans and the team thought we might score again ... but against Ross County, as soon as they scored it looked and felt all over.


    I just take the view that a positive backing from the fans (ideally in numbers) just might make a wee difference... and is therefore far more preferable to the negativity we usually get when things go a bit wrong.

    We will just need to agree to differ I can list tons of games where we turn out in numbers and we do bugger all and get beat .. I can also name games we've had two men and a dug and got a result. Its whats on the park that matters nothing else, sadly for us.

  3. Was in the ticket office before the Rose County game today and was told Accies is ticket only.


    This is it now really... if ever there was a time for a big, noisy and positive support.... it's next saturday.

    What difference does a big noisy support do ?.. we took nearly 2000 to every away game in the bottom six games when we ended up in the play offs before , did fuck all to change the abysmal results. Took a big healthy support to Firhill couple weeks back , did fuck all we were still abysmal. We take a big noisy support to Accies every game and what return has it shown? fuck all , our record there is atrocious. Doesnt matter if we take 4 or 4000 to Accies it will not affect the result one bit.

  4. Poor line up again today with the manager insisting with square pegs in round holes. I thought McHugh and Campbell were decent and tried hard and Lasley and Hammell at least tried hard but both are done. The least said about the rest the better , even Moults level dropped today to mediocre and he looked unfit . The lack of fight passion and togetherness was alarming but not unexpected .


    Bringing on clay in front of Faddy In those circumstances just beggars belief.


    Must beat Accies next week or it's the play offs at very best

    We wont beat Accies because we dont have the fight or the ability. Accies will have fight in bucket loads against us. We have utter bomb scares all over the place.

  5. All these guys lauding Robinson for his goal difference in charge. Great point! I forgot we get additional points for 1-0 or 2-1 losses rather than 4-0 & 5-1!


    I dont give a fuck if were losing 1-0 or 36-0 at this point of the season, were still fucking losing!


    The big issue is us not only losing games and points, were now potentially losing the few fans we have left because Mr Cheap Option is bringing back the horrific brand of anti football that brought him so much success at Oldham!

    To be fair to Robinson we've been haemorrhaging fans for 4 years. Our attendances this season have not altered one bit as a result of his appointment.

  6. Interesting stat re -1 goal difference in Robinsons 8 games, it certainly aint him thats got us into this mess. Agree with a lot of what you say regards the manager however Dundee sussed how to play against our current set up and McIntyre will have watched with interest so a plan 'b' is required. The fact there is no clear view from posters as to what personnel should fill what position in a 4-4-2 shows the difficulty the manager faces.


    Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

    To be fair you wouldnt need to be a MENSA candidate to suss out how to play us. You could actually employ next to no tactics whats so ever and beat us very easily. If I managed a team against us I would merely tell my players to keep closing us down dont break sweat trying to score just bide your time and Motherwell will give you at least 3/4 gilt edged gifts.


    McCann in his post-match interview said he knew we would be punting high balls in and that they specifically prepared for us playing this way.


    It's the exact same tactic which drove us all absolutely mental in the Accies game almost 4 weeks ago.


    Worrying on many levels if that's the only way Robinson thinks we can play.

    How any manager , even the biggest dicks in management, think a long high ball game is effective is beyond me because your team is never in control if that is your tactic. All that happens is you give away possession time and time again.

  8. samson is utter shite,he's been a liability on a number of occassion's this season costing us time and time again,but having said that its criminal that mcghee thought it was acceptable to go with him and a 20 year old loanee as our goalkeeping options for the second half of the season.there is serious deficiencies in our team that were there for all to see even last season that have never been rectified and now we might just pay the ultimate penalty by being relegated,there has been some real fuck ups in the decision making behind the scenes and its about time questions were asked of the folk running the club.that performance today was a disgrace,we could have gone 5 clear of dundee with a win so to have played like we did,with no passion,no clue about what is was were trying to achieve over the 90 minutes,it really does look like were throwing on 11 players and hoping for the best.its been 2 weeks since our last game,what have we worked on in that time,there was no shape and as for our set pieces,it was the same thing over and over,again were hoping rather than trying to do anything positive.this formation were playing needs to go before its too late,the players dont look in any way comfortable,the formation were going with the wing backs should be the most important 2 in the team imo,but yet were persisting with players 2 wingers there who cant defend,dundee's 2 goals in the second half highlighted that.before kick off things were in our own hands and with home games coming up against county and killie,we were in a decent position and we blew it.3 points next week is a must,we as fans know it but after watching that today,do the players really grasp how serious things are.

    Im sure the players know how serious it is, they just dont have the ability to alter it. We are consistently shite, we are therefore expecting players who dont have the ability to rise above what they have delivered all season....it aint gonna happen.

  9. Fucking crap. Aimless floated balls into the box all day long. Play offs at best now. I hope I am wrong but can see County giving us a doing.

    better than that Accies will probably beat ICT the same day meaning we then march onto Douglas Park for our inevitable shite display and Accies put 6 points between us and them with two games to go. We are utterly chronic and fuck me how some on here can't see that Hennigan is an utter Donkey is beyond me. Rank bad amateurs in too many positions,

  10. Utter pant wetters, the lot of you. Moan the 'Well!

    Ill take that on the chin but we won through luck and thats all that matters at this time of the season the position we are in. It balances out the goal against Accies we didnt get but if we want to stay up we have got to be better than that some of that long ball hoof we played for large parts of the game. Samson boots it high and long surprise surprise we lose possession and he gets lobbed because he made the original fuck up. What is so hard for players to understand that you play it in the air you have little or no control over the direction of the game and keep the ball coming straight back at you. Foran gave us a gift taking Vigurs off but the end result is all that matters.

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