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Everything posted by stuwell

  1. My thing against Ainsworth yesterday was that being one of the freshest players, he failed to chase and disrupt the Celtic team enough.
  2. Add to that booking Ainsworth and ignoring the push on him - raised arms by the Celtic player, would one of our players got away with that?
  3. It's a hell of a lot easier to pass and move on rather than close down the ball and try covering players so think our players did more running than the Celtic players which in turn leaves them more tired as the game goes on. Yes there were individual errors but this also could be due to mental fatigue. Personally I'm proud of the effort out team showed.
  4. Not having that, he was trying to get us into a position to try and win the game. The bit of skill he was trying just didn't come off and I'll never bring down a player that tries to do that. The goal was more about the defence giving Rogic acres of space at the edge of the box to ping one in. So easy for people to blame Ainsworth constantly on here, the guys a hero when he makes it 3-2 but absolute villain when we lose, ridiculous
  5. I'm sure we won more than 3 corners, did McManus not get booked at one?
  6. Celtic motm has to be the ref - what a fuckin biased wanker he was!
  7. McManus but what a tough choice so many great performances.
  8. Got to agree with Mio, this is a winnable game and Im really looking forward to this game.
  9. stuwell

    Dom Thomas

    Unfortunately Celtic don't release many star up and coming players, so since he came to us from Celtic, I've always believed that although he can at times excite the fans, his height / weight has always disadvantaged him and with no change in this, he increasingly looks like a Scottish championship player. I hope I'm wrong but today's players are more athletic that previous generations and as such skill alone is not enough to make it.
  10. If it's the same ref and linesman as the Patrick game then the club should have a quiet work with their bosses and make sure they don't officiate at another Well game this season. Failure by the ref's organisation to take action against them should see Motherwell creating a stink in the media.
  11. McMillan on for Hammel who was booked at the end of the 1st half.
  12. I thought the McMillan did enough last week to merit keeping his place and think he should start.
  13. In my opinion the society now has two main rolls in helping make the club sustainable, firstly to build up sufficient funds to enable it to (if required) assist the club during low income months by means of short term interest free loans - repayable at the end of seasons from finishing position cash and secondly to look long term at new or improved facilities. To this long term roll , once LH & JB have been replayed, I'd like the club/society to agree some sort of split of future player sales being put aside which would enable at least part payment of new facilities, avoiding putting the club into a level of debt that could be financially unsubstantial. The society does have further non financial rolls to play in making MFC a vibrant and successful football club.
  14. Hope McGhee isn't over thinking thing - best if he gets drunk tonight, wakes up with a hangover, picks up last weeks team sheet and thinks fucking can't be arsed thinking about tactics this morning this will do.
  15. Had to go back to Scotland home page put got it cheers
  16. Not seeing the game only Wales v NI - timing wrong or me being a numpy?
  17. If you have the time and inclination why not contact the clubs guy who deals with fan engagement - your knowledge may help him. As for the email, this could possibly be something he could do using quotes from not just this forum but others also - as they are public forums I'd imagine there is no issues there.
  18. Lucas, Clay and Heneghan all had possibly their best games so far in claret & amber, Caddens & Ainsworth showed what they can do and Tait showed his attacking skills but for me McDonald just shaded it for motm. Rarely have I seen him put in such a shift, non stop running and closing down opponents - even ran the length of the park once! The guys were up for it today - well done to them all.
  19. If the club were to send a youth player anywhere on loan, I'm sure they would take into consideration how mature the guy was - some 16 year olds would be comfortable with it but others might not and I'm sure the coaches would know them well enough to know who to send and who to keep close to home.
  20. I suspect that DT going to Ayr is to cover for our other player there who has concussion
  21. BBC Scotland phone in just starting talking about the cup final fiasco and who's to blame - phone in and fill ur boots
  22. Voted for Samson, didn't put a foot wrong and kept us in the game.
  23. Although I agree that an away point is good given our recent results there, it is the manor of our play that pissed me off yesterday. We constantly backed off them letting them dictate the play and conceded the midfield from kick off - absolutely shocking!
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